City/Town: • Muldrow |
Location Class: • Jail |
Built: • ~1949 | Abandoned: |
Status: • Abandoned |
Photojournalist: • Stan Logan |
According to insurance maps for the city of Muldrow, there has been a calaboose at this location since at least 1896. But the calaboose that sits there currently is not that old. In fact this jail was actually built to replace a brand new jail.
A newspaper from November 1948 as to why a new jail was needed when they had just built one. “Muldrow City Jail was destroyed by a dynamite blast Saturday night. No one was inside the building. It was completely wrecked.
County officers were investigating as Muldrow citizens voiced indignation and contended they would rebuild the jail. “We really need a jail if that king of goings on is possible. We need a jail to hold whoever dynamited the new jail,” said Bill Durham, Mayor.
The jail was completed recently with $1,000 raised by the public subscription in Muldrow. No arrests have been made, county officers said. The Mayor and city councilmen J.B. Newell and Willie Woodward, were to meet Tuesday and ask the state department of investigation to aid in the case.”
And so this new jail was built although it probably did not stay in service that long being as most of these were deemed unfit for prisoners in the 1950s/1960s.
Gallery Below of Muldrow Jail,0.174,0.757,0.397,0
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