Located just West of Stratford lies a dilapidated building in a field, during the summer its vibrant red bricks clash beautifully with the green foliage that engulfs it. During the winter months, it...
Located just West of Stratford lies a dilapidated building in a field, during the summer its vibrant red bricks clash beautifully with the green foliage that engulfs it. During the winter months, it...
The first calaboose of Bennington Oklahoma was constructed sometime during or before 1904 according to government maps. This was the only jail located in town and sat off of Nail and Williams Street...
Before and After Fire Pictures Below The Pernell School project was accepted by the WPA in October of 1940, $44,000 was set aside as funding for the new building and auditorium. Actual construction...
The Roff jail was build after 1911 according to fire insurance maps that fail to show it at its current location. This small cell would have been used mostly for petty criminals, drunks and nusences...
This two cell jail located in Stratford is first shown on fire insurance maps in 1908, just one year after the towns incorporation. Most of these jails were discontinued in the decades between 1930...
The Wayne jail is tucked away in an alley off of Main Street, history hidden away. Information on the jail and its occupants couldn’t be found but it can be assumed that this jail was built in...
More and more churches seem to be closing, especially in small towns. Sitting in the middle of Jefferson County is this magnificent jewel with perfectly preserved stained glass, detailed brickwork...
As we continue working with Bill Moore on the Tiny Jail and Calaboose series, we took a trip down to Verden, Oklahoma to see the 1905 Calaboose. On the inside you can see the shared bathroom, metal...
Presbyterian missionaries first appeared in the Atoka area in the 1840s and by 1883 the Presbyterian Church was established in the region. In 1897, the congregation built a wood frame meetinghouse on...
Fort Sill Indian School has witnessed many changes during its more than 100 years in Lawton, Oklahoma. When established in 1871 it served Indian children as a reservation elementary school. It...
Collings Castle located in Turner Falls park , Davis, OK isn’t completely abandoned and is relatively easy to access. It is a definitely a sight to see. The Castle was built from native brick...
It is still one of the most captivating buildings in Lawton, a multistory fortress of red brick occupying a solid city block, its signature narrow smokestack rising above almost everything else in...
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